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Category Archives: Family

The DeWinter Family

I love these guys. My husband and I have known Xan a really long time and when we met his wife-to-be, Mokie, a few years ago, we knew that this would be a sublime pairing. And now we know they make sublimely beautiful babies! Every time I see little Miss A, she just gets prettier…

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Ryan, Andrea and the Girls

I love photographing families. I love the energy of the kids, the pride on the parents faces, and the dynamics between everyone. And the only way to get these unscripted moments in time that defines your family, is to let the kids be who they are and just go with it. Run, dance, chase, get…

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Creekside Fun // Preview

My previews are not so preview-ish and I have no idea how they’ve gotten up to 10 images these days. Perhaps I need to scale it back, it is supposed to be a teaser after all! But technicalities aside, I spent the morning yesterday at Toboggan Creek Fish Hatchery with this lovely family of four….

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