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Welcome to my New Home!

Hi folks! Thanks so much for waiting along with me but here it all is. This site is the latest and greatest goings-on, be it from my newest session, a project I’m working on or what my 7-month-old is doing at the moment. I’ve got lots to share with you all, I’ve been saving up quite a few things so I’ll be rolling out the blog postings on quite a regular basis over the next while. There may be some small changes here over the next little while as things are getting finalized.

A huge thank you to Amy Grace of Candy Apple Studios for rebranding me and to the Flosites team for making this whole site come together. This process began in June and has been a culmination of a lot of hard work from a lot of different people so hats off to everyone that has helped along the way.

Please leave some love in the comments section……I would love hear from you! Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you come back again!

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Mina - Your new site looks great Rose! Well done!

Rhonda - Rose, you are a fantastic photographer - you make your photos come alive and make the viewer feel like they were at it all - great style. ( I was a friend of Josh when he was but a wee lad)

Kim Spears - Looks AMAZING !!! I just love it :)

admin - Thanks guys! I really appreciate your kind comments!

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