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Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to the Simply Rose blog! I am so glad that you have found your way here. This is where you will find my latest work and musings, anything from weddings to what my son has been doing lately.  There is lots to look at, so grab a cup of something warm and yummy and maybe a blueberry scone to go with it and stay a while. And don't be shy ~ leave a note ~ I'd love to hear from you!  

Grassroots Wedding Fair

Today was the long-awaited and planned-for Grassroots Wedding Fair at historic Heritage Hall on Main St. in Vancouver. I’ve been busy all week getting everything ready for the fair and a tremendous thank-you to my wonderful husband for building my backdrop that supported all of the prints! We designed something that would have sturdy walls to hold a large canvas as well as framed prints, an additional ledge for displays, and also look like a wall in real home to give the prints a realistic backdrop.

It was a busy day in Vancouver as far as events went ~ it was the one-year anniversary of the Vancouver Olympics so there were lots of other things going in the city. Plus it was pouring rain, a perfect day to snuggle up with a hot cup of something and a good book. So it wasn’t as busy as it possibly could have been, but I still got to meet some wonderful brides-to-be planning for this year and into 2012. I also met some pretty amazing green vendors and fellow photographers. All around it was a great day!

On a sidenote, I am really quite behind with blogging. I’ve got a number of postings coming up including a new Romantic Bloom, the rest of the Eco-Wedding photoshoot and detail shots of all my new pretty things. I will also be working on updating my website over the next little while in the hopes of making it load faster for those with slower internet connections.

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day weekend…I for one will be taking most of Sunday off!

  • Lyndsay: I LIKE it! Nicely done, Rose :)! (February 12, 2023 9:29 pm)
  • Lisa Novakowski: Fantastic booth, Rose!!! (February 13, 2023 8:02 pm)
  • Simply Rose: Thanks guys! (February 14, 2023 9:36 am)