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Brown Family

On Victoria Day long weekend, we went to Eatonville, WA to visit some very dear friends of ours that live on a camp at the foot of Mt. Rainier. Steve and Barb are some of our oldest couple-friends ~ we were actually in the same circle of friends before we all started dating about 9 years ago. It’s pretty crazy to think how much time has passed and how things don’t really change when we meet, even when there are long spaces in between.

We try to make the 4 hour drive at least once a year ~ it can get tricky with our busy summer schedules, families and everything else that goes on in our lives. But sometimes you just have to set the date and stick with it.

It poured the whole weekend and we were pretty much stuck inside with 3 little kids, but it actually wasn’t as bad as you might think. The little ones entertained themselves for the most part, napped well and we did manage to brave the outdoors a little bit for some photos. We are, however, planning for another trip in the fall, after the summer calms down a bit to do a proper photo session with the whole family. This time, we focused mainly on their youngest, Leah, who is turning one this year. What a doll ~ I could photograph her toothy smiling face all day long!

It’s always a pleasure visiting you guys! Looking forward to seeing you again, soon!

Happy Sunday, wherever you are!


Barb - Thank you so much Rose! It’s always great seeing you guys and hanging out. It is so nice that we have such a great friendship that started out as a group of friends having fun together. I look forward to seeing you guys again in the fall, we’ll have to hope for better weather and maybe make a trip up to the mountain. The photos are great Rose, Thank you!

Janet Brown - Thanks for brightening my day. What a very special family they are. Looking forward to seeing them in person in one week.
You do beautiful work, helps that the subject is so cute.
Thanks again, Grandma Brown

Steven and Vinay :: University Golf Club Wedding

What an absolutely fabulous way to begin the 2012 wedding season. The weather was glorious, the trees were in full cherry bloom, the couple was smiling and the party was happening. I was really looking forward to this wedding for a number of different reasons ~ I got to work with Leo Damian again of Wish Events, the ceremony and reception were held at two premiere Vancouver venues and this was also my first same-sex wedding.

The day opened up for me at the Penthouse suite at the OPUS Hotel, which is an incredibly fun space with crazy cool decor, while my lovely co-shooter for the day, Alanna Clempson, hung out in the West End at a private condo for the getting ready shots. It was wonderful how laid back and relaxed everything was, while Steven got ready and his friends dressed in the lounge area of the suite.

The First Look happened at the Roundhouse in Yaletown ~ what a marvelous location to take some vintage urban shots! And Steven and Vinay shared a few moments of quietness before we jumped right into the pictures all around Yaletown ~ the Roundhouse, David Lam Park and the seawall. I think it was a perfect mix of urban and West Coast style to shoot in this area, especially since Steven and Vinay both love all the things that Vancouver has to offer in the way of things to do and places to go. And the blossoms were an important aspect of the wedding shots and hold a lot of significance to Steven, so it was absolutely perfect timing that we got the magnolias and cherry blooms all at the same time.

The ceremony was held at the Celebration Pavilion in Queen Elizabeth Park and it was such a lovely day that we were fortunate enough to have those swing doors wide open. The ceremony itself was beautiful and it was so wonderful to see the smiling faces of family and friends as Steven and Vinay made a lifelong commitment to each other in their presence.

Since the ceremony was in early evening, we made it to the University Golf Club shortly afterwards for the dinner and party. My jaw dropped when I saw what Leo and his team had created ~ what a beautiful, beautiful job! The palette was clean, the flowers were all hand arranged by Leo in these fabulous tall glass vases, the cake was perfect right down to the monograms and everything just looked like it sparkled. The guests were treated to a buffet on the terrace and a dessert table later in the evening. There was dancing and a photobooth by Alanna that was really the highlight of the evening and kept people laughing and made for some really super memories.

I just want to thank Steven, Vinay and all their families for making us feel so welcome and also for having us there on this really special day. I felt so privileged to be able to be a part of a same-sex wedding, especially coming from a very traditional background. I have come to the biggest realization of my life that I have no place to judge who people love. Steven and Vinay, you have shown me through your love for one another and the testament from others that what you have is very special and very true. And that you have some very incredible people surrounding you both. You are very blessed.

Congratulations, you two!


Jarusha - GORGEOUS!!! What a beautiful wedding and such handsome grooms! Love it :)

Joni Martinson, University Golf Club - WOW! Great photos Rose! This was such a great wedding and for such a deserving couple! Leo at Wish Events was fabulous to work with and he did a phenominal job with the decor as you can see by the fabulous photos by Rose! Congratulations to all!

A Bottle and the Ocean

This evening’s posting is a little different in that I am not using any of my own work! These images are from my friend, Emily Hoskins of Liberty Tree Photography when we were on our Hornby Island getaway weekend (here, here and here). One thing on my 101 in 1001 list was to put a note in a bottle and throw it into the ocean. I thought this would be the perfect place for such a thing and a few of us went to Helliwell Provincial Park to do it. What a lovely spot! And such a lovely day. We spent a bit of time there marveling at the cliffs while I put my note into the bottle and tossed it out to sea. I’m hoping that someone finds it and writes me back ~ I will keep you posted if they do!


Online Guides for 2013 Brides

During the off-season, I work on getting ready for the next season. I am always working a year in advance whether it be upgrading on branding, packaging, product offerings, business systems or marketing. And something that I am happy that has come to realization is my online pricing magazine. It’s an 8-page pricing guide that will take you through my 2013 offerings and give a description of what each package or session offers, all in a fun flipbook format. I will be offering 4 different wedding package types next year with a range of inclusions in each.

The Pretty Things pricing guide includes all the information regarding the different kinds of products I offer from albums to prints. It’s a compliment to the Wedding Guide and showcases the items in an informative manner.

I’m pretty jazzed on these concepts. Online magazines have been around for quite some time but I have been seeing them crop up more prevalently in the past year or so and this is a perfect forum to distribute this kind of information. It’s also in alignment with my business eco-philosophy of offering something to view that is easy to read, nice to look at and gets the information across without creating a lot of extra waste.

If you are thinking about getting married in 2013, I’d love to hear about it! You can send an email to [email protected] and I’ll send along this information to you!

                                                                                                                                                       Image from Cypress Album Website