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I was hoping to get this Romantic Blooms posting done earlier except The Batchelor was on at 8pm and it was a 2 hour special, sooooo……I got a little distracted. (Don’t hate. I like a little trash TV once in a while….)

Today’s flower is the Thystle. Or Thistle. But V&J’s Plant Shop at Granville Island spelled it as the latter and that’s what I’m sticking with. But I have since been corrected by Olla Flower Project that it’s actually called Eryngium. I love all the contrasts with this bloom ~ the round flower, the spiny-looking petal parts, the various textures. It’s not something that seems to be very common as a decorative bloom although I have seen it in action in some wedding bouquets. It certainly is unique!

Enjoy the rest of your Monday!

Simply Rose - Thanks Lyndsay!

Simply Rose - Very cool, Anna! Excited to see all your details!

anna - if we’re both lucky, you’ll get to take pictures of thistles in my bouquet this fall!

Lyndsay London - Beautiful, as always, Rose!!!!

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